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  • Fairs 2020 postponed for Covid-19
  • Fairs 2020 postponed for Covid-19
  • Fairs 2020 postponed for Covid-19
  • Fairs 2020 postponed for Covid-19

The Global Emergency Covid-19 involved the postponement of all fairs where Scilla Meccanica was scheduled to participate: MIDEST LYON postponed to 16-19 March 2021, HANNOVER MESSE postponed to 12-16 April 2021, CASTFORGE STUTTGART postponed until 8-10 June 2021, MECSPE PARMA postponed to 29-31 October 2020. However, the situation is evolving so that further postponements cannot be ruled out. We'll give you more precise updates on Scilla Meccanica' participation at upcoming trade shows.